Capstone Project: "Crossed/Uncrossed"
Fine Arts Capstone, Spring 2022
"Crossed / Uncrossed" is a zine that documents my parent’s struggles and fight for hope while I was a micro-preemie in the neonatal intensive care unit at Loyola’s Gottlieb Memorial Hospital. Using black and white imagery and typography, the zine serves to create a bleak atmosphere laced with pockets of hope, accurately representing the pain, fear, and trauma faced by my parents in the weeks leading up to my birth, as well as the months afterwards. Each spread tells a different part of the story, with prayers, statistics, and anxieties coming as direct quotes from my mother and father. This project speaks to the power of hope, the will of the human heart, and the severity of a parent’s instinct to fight for their child even when the odds are severely stacked against them.
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